The customer is responsible to protect the login ID and password, shall not take any responsibility for the misuse/hacking of account details. However, upon receiving written complaint from authorized customer representative shall endeavor to change the password or make the account INACTIVE immediately. | Pakistan Best online Business Profile Directory Solution is solely for registered Corporate, Firms, Enterprises, Institutions, Multinational, NGOs and Govt. department etc.
If customers recharge their account for the same package or a higher value package, total remaining period will be rolled over to the new plan. However, in case the customer opts for a package of lower value, remaining period from the previous package will not be carried forward.
The customer is solely responsible to renew his account before account expiry date (30 days for all Business Packages) whichever comes earlier (the application will tend to auto notify 7 days before expiry of account via email) to avoid any inconvenience that may be caused due automatic account Inactive/blocked.
Ten (10) days Grace Period will be given to renew your account. (On Request) has the right to change or withdraw any/all business rules or package charges without notifying in advance to the subscribers.
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